Specialised Autism Learning Program (SALP)

The Specialised Autism Learning Program (SALP) at Hammond Park Secondary College (HPSC) is for students from Year 7 to Year 11 (Year 12 from 2025) with Autism. The evidence-based program reflects academic research and is supported by the Department of Education (DOE) and the School of Special Educational Needs: Disability (SSEND).

The HPSC SALP provides a unique opportunity for Autistic students at risk of disengagement, underachievement and/or difficulties with adaptive behaviour to receive individualised support within a mainstream school setting. The SALP program targets age-appropriate academic engagement and achievement while supporting social-emotional learning and student wellbeing.

Students ‘eligible’ & ‘suitable’ for enrolment in the HPSC SALP will have:

  • eligibility for enrolment in Western Australian public schools in Year 7 to Year 12;
  • a multi-disciplinary diagnosis of Autism – must be eligible for a DOE Individual Disability Allocation under the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) category without accompanying Intellectual Impairment;
  • the ability to work at or near year level academic standard (this will include students on ATAR/WACE/VET pathways);
  • difficulties with social, emotional and/or behavioural issues and challenges directly related and attributed to the impact of ASD;
  • independent self-management of personal care requirements;
  • transport to be facilitated by families (DOE bus services are not provided to the program);
  • exemption from local intake zones.

 Click here for the ‘ASD Individual Disability (IDA) Eligibility Criteria 2024’ document that provides additional information on dot point 2 above.


    A vital feature of the SALP is the ‘SALP Hub’, an accessible, comfortable, supportive and safe place for students to access structured and unstructured learning opportunities during class and break times.

    Students will attend mainstream classes and, when required, have access to the SALP Hub. Each student's time in the SALP Hub will vary according to individual needs.

    Each student works towards achieving their goals in a caring and supportive environment that acknowledges their unique learning profile.

    Click here for the ‘HPSC SALP Curriculum Overview – OVERARCHING 2024’ which provides additional details on the SALP Curriculum Focus Areas.

    The HPSC SALP Program Coordinator will coordinate the annual review of each student's suitability and placement in the program. A student will transition out of the program into mainstream schooling once they have demonstrated they have achieved the SALP exit criteria.


    The HPSC SALP is managed in collaboration with the HPSC Principal, Joanne Willesee, and the SALP Program Coordinator, Janelle Cahoon.

    The program is supported by two specialised SALP teachers, Donna Smyth and Jacob Sands and an experienced team of Education Assistants who work collaboratively throughout the school and community to promote learning for each student across three settings:

    • Learning within the mainstream secondary school setting
    • Learning within the SALP Hub
    • Learning within the community


      The 2024 HPSC SALP Expression of Interest (EOI) period, for commencement at the start of 2025, is now closed for applications.

      If you would like to receive emails about the next HPSC SALP Community Information Session and EOI period, which will take place during the 2025school year, please email us at: HammondPark.SC.ASD@education.wa.edu.au

      The HPSC SALP opens for Expressions of Interest (EOI) in Term 1 each year.

      Applications for enrolment in the HPSC SALP are managed by the host school (HPSC), with support from SSEND and the school psychologist as required. The HPSC SALP Program Coordinator (PC) coordinates eligibility and needs assessments to determine suitability for enrolment. In Term 2 each year, the HPSC SALP PC establishes a panel to validate student suitability before offering places in the SALP.

      Our Department of Education (DOE) SALP Programs have limited student spots. Specifically, our high school SALP can accommodate a maximum of 18 students across all year levels.

      Parents/carers that have a child enrolled in the Jilbup Primary School SLP-A will have the option of continuing in the program through to secondary schooling, as HPSC is the partnering SALP secondary school.

      Click here to download the HPSC SALP Overview 

      SALP Learning HUB